Reiki Healing – one to one 

Reiki is first found in the ancient Tibetan Sutras of 2500 years old and was later revived in Japan in the early 1900s, by Doctor Mikao Usui after a long spiritual quest. It is a holistic healing modality that transmits Universal life force energy onto the person under treatment. Reiki elevates the vibrations of the body and aura and charges them with positive energy while clearing blockages. It supports a person’s system back into balance on all four levels: physical mental, emotional and spiritual. 

In the US, Reiki is applied in over 800 hospitals ( 1-in 6 nationwide) and is one of the top three complementary in-patient therapies. Reiki is also applied in many private holistic centers throughout the world. Some of the most reputable hospitals providing Reiki are the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Boston and Cleveland Clinic. 

Reiki can benefit, among others in: stress relief, total relaxation, release of withheld emotions and energy blocks, mental clarity, pain relief, physical healing, mood improvement, coming close to one’s true essence and potentials, finding one’s joy, conscious self -love and love for others, releasing negative patterns, cutting off toxic attachments, creating overall balance, helping with relationship and work issues. In cases of health issues, Reiki also addresses the underlying origin of disease, uncovering and releasing the emotional blocks which caused distress in the first place. 

Reiki is administered through gentle contact on the body or the aura.

The sessions also can include spiritual consultation,  Pranayama breathing and teach self-development techniques (Sessions in Greek or English).